Stanislav Culaclii

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  1. Taccola G., Culaclii S., Zhong H., Gad P.N., Liu W., Edgerton V.R., (2021). "Case Studies in Neuroscience: an epidural stimulating interface unveils the intrinsic modulation of electrically motor evoked potentials in behaving rats". Journal of Neurophysiology.
  2. Culaclii S., Wang P. M., Taccola G., Yang W., Bailey B., Chen Y., Lo Y. K., Liu W., (2021). "A Biomimetic, SoC-Based Neural Stimulator for Novel Arbitrary-Waveform Stimulation Protocols". Frontiers in Neuroscience, p. 943.
  3. Taccola, G., Gad, P., Culaclii, S., Liu, W., & Edgerton, V. R., (2020). "Acute neuromodulation restores spinally-induced motor responses after severe spinal cord injury". Experimental Neurology, p. 113246.
  4. Wang P.-M., Culaclii S., Seo K. J., Wang Y., Fang H., Lo Y.-K., Liu W. (2020). Challenges in the Design of Large-Scale, High-Density, Wireless Stimulation and Recording Interface. In Interfacing Bioelectronics and Biomedical Sensing (pp. 1-28). Springer, Cham.
  5. Taccola, G., Gad, P., Culaclii, S., Ichiyama, R. M., Liu, W., & Edgerton, V. R. (2020). "Using EMG to deliver lumbar dynamic electrical stimulation to facilitate cortico-spinal excitability". Brain Stimulation.
  6. Wang P.M.*, Culaclii S.*, Yang, W., Long Y., Massachi J., Lo Y.K., Liu W., “A Novel Biomimetic Stimulator System for Neural Implant,” in 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), 2019, pp. 843–846.
  7. Qiang Y.*, Artoni P.*, Seo K. J.*, Culaclii S., Hogan V., Zhao X., Zhong Y., Han X., Wang P.-M., Lo Y.-K., Li Y., Patel H. A., Huang Y., Sambangi A., Chu J. S. V., Liu W., Fagiolini M.*, Fang H.*, (2018). “Transparent Arrays of Bilayer-Nanomesh Microelectrodes for Simultaneous Electrophysiology and 2-Photon Imaging in the Brain”, Science Advances.
  8. Culaclii, S., Kim, B., Li, L., Lo, Y.K., Liu, W. (2018). Online Artifact-Cancellation In Same-electrode Neural Stimulation and Recording Using a Combined Hardware and Software Architecture. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, PP(99), 1–13.
  9. Qiang, Y., Seo, K. J., Zhao, X., Artoni, P., Golshan, N. H., Culaclii, S., Wang P.-M., Liu W., Ziemer K., Fagiolini M., Fang, H. (2017). Bilayer Nanomesh Structures for Transparent Recording and Stimulating Microelectrodes. Advanced Functional Materials, 27(48).
  10. Lo, Y. K., Kuan, Y. C., Culaclii, S., Kim, B., Wang, P. M., Chang, C. W., Massachi J. A., Zhu M., Chen K., Gad P., Edgerton, V. R. (2017). A fully integrated wireless SoC for motor function recovery after spinal cord injury. IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems, 11(3), 497-509.
  11. Culaclii, S.*, Kim, B.*, Lo, Y. K., & Liu, W. (2016, August). A hybrid hardware and software approach for cancelling stimulus artifacts during same-electrode neural stimulation and recording. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE 38th Annual International Conference of the (pp. 6190-6193). IEEE.
  12. Lo, Y. K., Chang, C. W., Kuan, Y. C., Culaclii, S., Kim, B., Chen, K., ... & Liu, W. (2016, January). 22.2 A 176-channel 0.5 cm3 0.7 g wireless implant for motor function recovery after spinal cord injury. In Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2016 IEEE International (pp. 382-383). IEEE.

        * Shared first authorship